How Tags, Divs, Classes help create webpage

There are three key tools that help people that are web designers create nice pages.
Tags, Divs, and Classes. Are all found in a web pages style sheet, also known as the CSS.

Tags which are (<h1></h1> ) is used to take something and make it live. For example
if someone wrote in html "HI PEOPLE" it won't show on the site without proper tags like this
(<p>HI PEOPLE</p>) now it can be read on the site.

Divs are used to customize something in the html. They are often labeled in the css with this mark (#).
You can use Divs to create things inside the html like boxes, thus helping where you can place things!VERY IMPORTANT!Divs can also change how your tag looks and can create something more better.

Example in html first create a Div <div id="box"></div> now in css #box {height:100;width:100;}.
                                                   The Div here is the box                    this is the Div's ID
                                     Anything inside this div goes in the box             {inside is how big the box is}

Divs have id's in order to who they are and what they do, just like people there are only one of us so there is only one of them. Meaning divs can't have the same name.VERY IMPORTANT!

Classes do same things as divs but can be used more then once. There is way to call a class. Example
in html<class id="box"></class> then  in css  .box You label class with (.) before the name.