Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Books Pirates

Article Title: Print Books Are Target of Pirates on the Web

Article Author: Motoko Rich

Url of Article:

Summary of the Article:
As we all know the web gives access to all types of information. Especially when it comes to pirating software, music, and videos. There is a new guy that has also got kidnapped and that is books. With the release of the Kindle and the E-Readers there are full novels out there to download. Some users post the novels up for free for other users.

Relevance to class:
We often talk about the web, and what is legal to do. And since the E-Readers are now linked to the source such as the interent, now it's seen as a another source like mobile phones. Seeing how it's also subject to piracy, like every other software. This article brings us awareness.

Soical Network Battle

Article Title:Google+ Traffic Jumps 13 fold after opening to the public

Article Author: Todd Wasserman

Url of Article:

Summary:With the Release of Google+ to the public it created a big swarm of uses. This could be googles attempt to gain control over the traffic of users. Can Google give Face Book a runs for it's money only time will tell. By the looks of it there are lot of users are giving it a consideration.

Relevance to Class:
After the Big face lift Facebook had there are some social networks that are trying to keep it user. Like Google+. I didn't know such a thing existed. Google release was very settle but weird with a simple point of an arrow to your account saying hey we got this thing called Google+. In the end the release of Google+ was able to pick new users and can be the next big social network if it plays it's cards right. Iam going to play the waiting game and see if it catches it on.

More then a Social Network

Article Title: No, You aren't going to quiet Facebook

Article Author: Christina Warren

Url of the Article:

Summary of Article:

Social Networks are things that are hip, cool and everybody doing it type thing. What if it get to out of control and starts following you through your life. There is time to pull the plug on it, but are you?
The article I read " No You Aren't Going to Quiet Facebook" talks about just about that. With all the changes and events Facebook has done people are still going to use. There is also consideration that soon users are going to have to play for Facebook. Is that what its going to take to make some of quick Facebook, this Social Network addiction?

Relevance of Article:

 Following the progress of are audience which we call users. We see what attracts them and what they are into. And how much people use depend on the internet.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What is the internet?

The internet was made base off of an idea to link up computers together. Thus creating a network.
Due to the Cold War, and Russia first attempt  to enter space. Gave the United states the pressure needed to push them for technological advancement. What really caught my surprise is that the government is considering on limiting our activities on the internet. Doesn't go against the Constitution?